Colour and energy

how I paint

In the process of doing my channeled paintings, I let go of myself. I set up my workspace, put on some solfeggio frequency music and open my paint box. I meditate for a while and then just allow my hand to be drawn towards certain colours. It's almost magic as I suddenly "feel" which colour to choose. Sometimes the colours want to be subdued, soft, dark, dreamy and calm, while othertimes I'm almost shouted at to choose PINK! MAGENTA! NOW!!! more more MORE! More SPARKLE!!!!

Yes, it's that loud at times. There are other times when I want to interject my own thoughts and ideas and I'm generally told to just sit down and let it happen on its own.

At times I wonder, obviously, whether I'm making this all up, but after doing a half dozen of these paintings, I really know when it's no longer me at the helm. When I just "make a painting," I clearly choose which paints I want to use. I sometimes hesitate and wonder, hmm, should I use a deeper green here? etc. But with the channelled paintings there is no hesitation whatsoever.

Maybe I'm just tapping into my higher self or just enter an Alpha brainwave state, or maybe it's someone else coming through me and having fun using my arm, eyes and paints to create. I don't know but I'm kind of getting over that now. I just let it happen and wow, it's just so much fun and feels really amazing. Time passes and I don't even realize it and the next thing I know I hear my stomach grumbling and realize that several hours have passed. Where did I go?

I wonder about colour a lot too. I am drawn to different colours at different times. Sometimes I just "need" a colour, like the richness of dioxazine purple, or a bright green. Other times I love seeing the granulation occur on the page as one pigment settles out of a wash and into the crevices of the paper. 

Colour. What is it exactly? My understanding is that different colours correspond with different wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation visible to the naked eye. So, at one wavelength we may see yellow. as another, we see red and so on.

What I find interesting in this is that most texts I've read said that one can't see colour in the dark, and yet, with my training seeing blindfolded, I can, indeed, see colour, without even using my eyes.

How is this possible then? If I'm not using my eyes, then some other part of me is sensing the wavelength and it gets interpreted by my mind as the name of a colour. This blows my mind.

That means that even people who can't see very well can possibly sense the wavelength or energy of a particular colour using other perceptions available to them. Their mind, their body, their consciousness, it's truely mindboggling to me.

So I play. I feel the colours, and I believe this is also part of the gift that I am being asked to develop in doing these channelled works for people. The voices come through me as paint and colour and sound and form and this all adds up to a message meant for the highest good of the person for whom I'm doing the commission. And this, my friends, is an enormous honour for me and also a responsibility to trust what's coming through and not put my ego spin on it, cuz, ya know, I just wanna add more purple.

So, please know that when you order a full commission, it comes layered with many ways of experiencing it. I suggest closing your eyes and listening to the painting. Close your eyes and feel the wavelenghts. Open your eyes and hear the painting. Hear with your eyes, feel with your ears, taste with your mind and just let go and see what happens.

So much fun yes?